Lil Athletes Baseball Leagues (Ages 4-6)

Lil Athletes Baseball Leagues (Ages 4-7)

Lil Athletes Leagues

Lil Athletes Baseball Leagues (4-7 yrs)


Lil Athletes Baseball Leagues combines a blend of skill learning and gameplay. We offer our Baseball Leagues in Garden City, Commack, and Ronkonkoma. Each week, players will get 15 minutes of skills station (mix of hitting, throwing, & catching) & 35 minutes of gameplay. We offer 2 different programs:

Lil Athletes T-Ball League (4/5 yrs)-Coaches will use the batting tee during game play
Lil Athletes Baseball League (5-6 yrs)-Coaches will pitch to batters during game play

***Spring 2025 Baseball Developmental League Registration NOW OPEN!***

Lil Athletes Baseball Leagues (4-6.5 yrs)

Ages, descriptions, and info about all of our classes.

St Paul's Recreation Complex-295 Stewart Ave, Garden City

Younique Gym-1 Trade Zone Court, Ronkonkoma, NY

Suffolk Y JCC-74 Hauppauge Rd, Commack

League Locations

Nassau & Suffolk County Locations


We’re not around right now. But you can send us an email and we’ll get back to you, asap.

"*" indicates required fields
